
hclvyj t1_je2wlrh wrote

It was 6 until recently. The public school in Chestnut Hill just got a library in October and its only open part-time through volunteer partnerships but not professionally staffed.
We only have FOUR librarians in the whole school district. Terrible. I know we have great public libraries but they are also always understaffed.


hclvyj t1_j5k87vj wrote

Whenever family visits, I always tell them to look quadruple times, don't advance on the green right away because someone WILL run the red and not care for their life, and be on defense wherever you go. Philly drivers are the absolute worst and if I'm going to die in this city, I have a feeling it'll be by getting hit by a car.


hclvyj OP t1_iy9i3n8 wrote

Reply to comment by zucca4 in Kid-friendly restaurants by hclvyj

Anywhere. We want to show them different areas. We live in Germantown and have been to a few spots in Chestnut Hill but hoping to go to some new spots this time around
