
heehoohorseshoe t1_jdf7wop wrote

The author sounds a lot like several other Jena set fans I've talked about, who also claim they were more influential than most would say they were, and often have similarly bizarre takes on Fichte. I actually don't have much beef with the Jena set themselves, they're not my cup of tea but generally are fine, it's how they're lauded as trendsetters and revolutionary thinkers by too many people I know much like the author discussed above.


heehoohorseshoe t1_jdeb98e wrote

God I'm sick of hearing about the Jena set. A whole lot of drama and not much original philosophy. It's notable more for being Germany's answer to early romantics than any genuine accomplishment. https://archive.ph/sKHKH sums up a lot of my thoughts on the group and the people who write about them