
hkzombie t1_j244fv3 wrote

>hospitalization and cases per 100k were driven by the vaccinated and two months after it was pretty clear no one was safe from it.

I have the feeling that you are going in a completely different direction, with your argument about the omicron impact on a population with high mRNA vaccination rate.

I'm not arguing about whether the Covid is here to stay or not, or about the impact of policy on infection rates. I'm arguing that the Chinese government made a major mistake because they didn't prepare for this scenario despite having an additional year to prep (unvaccinated hospitalization rate for Omicron is ~10x the hospitalization rate for mRNA vaccinated according to the US CDC).


hkzombie t1_j22cp93 wrote

No prep work in mainland China for the case surge. Most of the world has high efficacy vaccinations, high vaccination rate, and treatment options by now.

Pfizer's paxlovid was approved in Feb 2022, but the supply wasn't enough to meet the case load (already sold out). Reports indicate that antipyretics/antifever meds (acetaminophen/panadol/tylenol) are also out of stock.