hostile_rep t1_j3nmgbe wrote
Reply to comment by DeadSwaggerStorage in Kids in Pennsylvania eat an average of 22.862 sugary snacks a week, per a recent study, which is the highest rate in the United States by Raz0rRamon
Breakfast of champions.
hostile_rep t1_j3nmd6i wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Kids in Pennsylvania eat an average of 22.862 sugary snacks a week, per a recent study, which is the highest rate in the United States by Raz0rRamon
The chip aisle at your local grocery store is basically PepsiCo/Frito Lays and Pennsylvania potato chip producers.
hostile_rep t1_j10z314 wrote
Reply to comment by bchin22 in You Know a Question I Haven't Seen Anyone Asking? by CalvinSays
Wow. Those are startlingly complex questions. Has be anyone tried to use your insights to answer which jobs AI will replace?
hostile_rep t1_j0xbv26 wrote
hostile_rep t1_j0hhrv8 wrote
Reply to comment by Donotaskmedontellme in Upper Moreland School District School Board Member said she was against voting for a “cis, white male” for board president. by TheGambit
You have a hard time with reading, huh?
hostile_rep t1_j0hf4oq wrote
Reply to comment by neuhmz in Upper Moreland School District School Board Member said she was against voting for a “cis, white male” for board president. by TheGambit
Try reading a username.
hostile_rep t1_j0hahz9 wrote
Reply to comment by neuhmz in Upper Moreland School District School Board Member said she was against voting for a “cis, white male” for board president. by TheGambit
My apologies. I don't want to harp on your disability. Please, stick with your therapy and get well. Being NT isn't all it's cracked up to be anyway.
hostile_rep t1_j0h78hs wrote
Reply to comment by neuhmz in Upper Moreland School District School Board Member said she was against voting for a “cis, white male” for board president. by TheGambit
Fucking Reddit. I forget that most of you are on the spectrum.
Try rereading my comment, but this time read it as a joke about the abysmal state of our actively attacked a defunded public school system.
hostile_rep t1_j0gf3st wrote
Reply to comment by neuhmz in Upper Moreland School District School Board Member said she was against voting for a “cis, white male” for board president. by TheGambit
>that isn't designed to break down the student.
You're way off topic. That's a fundamental goal of the US education system.
hostile_rep t1_j0bok1b wrote
Reply to comment by Excelius in Pennsylvania Rep. Cutler moved $50M from Speaker's account; Democrats cry foul by themollusk
>“It’s essentially 12 years’ worth of surpluses that have accumulated because we’ve managed our finances very responsibly,” Cutler said.
Grand theft auto is essentially aggressive valet parking.
hostile_rep t1_izygpq9 wrote
Reply to comment by No-Setting9690 in 'American Cultures' Hershey Teacher, Camp Hill Dad Arrested For Uploading Child Porn To Kik by jillianpikora
Well said.
The hateful love having their preconceived notions confirmed. Sadly you'll always find people like this, taking a perverse joy in horrible news.
hostile_rep t1_izklu0g wrote
r/vexillology will tell you it's hot garbage.
hostile_rep t1_iymela6 wrote
Reply to comment by ufuknow in Philadelphia City Council approves permanent 10 p.m. curfew by mjsisko
To make the police state more secure and protect people from Skittles.
hostile_rep t1_iyiqijv wrote
Reply to comment by ClownCarnival in Senate confirms first inspector general for Pentagon in 7 years by Darth__Monday
You misspelled b0aT s1d3z.
hostile_rep t1_iy9sivr wrote
Reply to comment by Plane_Vanilla_3879 in At least 2 Pennsylvania counties fail to certify election results by deadline by BoggyRob
Every vote should be counted. Disenfranchising counties is travesty, no matter who's votes are being thrown out.
hostile_rep t1_iy9s8lk wrote
Reply to comment by HeyImGilly in At least 2 Pennsylvania counties fail to certify election results by deadline by BoggyRob
My understanding is this sets precedent so they can disenfranchise key counties in 2024.
hostile_rep t1_ixdjkvv wrote
Reply to comment by Itslehooksboyo in most Pennsylvania things that happen to me is somewhat recent times by Golden_Bee_Moth
For what? 40° is BBQ weather in PA.
hostile_rep t1_iwd4dbt wrote
Reply to comment by langleyeffect in "The Flatwoods Monster", me, pen & ink, 2021 by langleyeffect
Bit meta, but try r/restofthefuckingowl 🤣
hostile_rep t1_iwcxtoh wrote
I love how you incorporated the owl. Fantastic work!
hostile_rep t1_irx9v5b wrote
Reply to comment by gslavik in It’s been almost two years all since this happened. The cringe is still strong. by Cadiz215
Yeah. They usually prefer the labels Reverend or Pastor.
hostile_rep t1_j57d6so wrote
Reply to comment by DELCO-PHILLY-BOY in Punxsutawney Phil to be final inductee in Meteorologist Hall of Fame by Yinzerman1992
Well, it'll be hard to take them seriously after they induct a rodent.