
t1_j97vrzh wrote

I’m not one to normally say that we should destroy pieces from the past, because I think they’re teaching moments and ways to better our future.

But after seeing closeups of The Discovery of America, I would be waiting in line to smash it with a steel head hammer.


t1_iuesqvr wrote

I’m going to be downvoted for this, but fuck these sensitive people who are triggered by a polite gesture from a republican governor to a democratic president. The whole state was in chaos, some more than others. I had to shower in a bucket for two weeks, and I know two people who lost their homes. The only shining light was that everyone, no matter your political affiliation, was working together. Because we are all people and citizens of the United States.

If you’re angry at that hug, I suggest you huddle back into your safe space, you fragile, sensitive snowflake. Don’t forget your participation trophy before you go.


t1_ite69zc wrote

This might be above Reddit’s pay grade. Have you contacted a lawyer? Have you also contacted the ex wife’s family to let them know she’s continuing to harass you? I don’t know if that’s a good idea 100% but if my family member was harassing someone, I’d perform an intervention with the back of my hand and stop them.