iamapizza t1_jcvp1lo wrote
I didn't know this, even back in 2021 India was already leading with the number of internet shutdowns.
iamapizza t1_j6nzjwr wrote
I was just watching some slow TV today, as you do, and realized instead of getting drones and processing videos, in the future filmmakers could just generate these. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxwJrzEdw1U
iamapizza t1_j2ckkfv wrote
Reply to I don't judge. by phillydog1
She thought it was a cockodile
iamapizza t1_j1y9h09 wrote
Reply to Piety, by me by HeRetiKMD
I piety the foo!
iamapizza t1_iyrlt8s wrote
Reply to comment by DouweOsinga in [OC] A visualization of how many people are at risk given an amount of sea level rise by DouweOsinga
They'll have to rename it to Pain.
iamapizza t1_iy9r02y wrote
It felt pretty same-ish throughout, not a terrible but not amazing. So I'd say if you're at around page 80-100 and still not feeling it, then that's a good enough effort, but you should probably move on.
iamapizza t1_iw2iaxv wrote
Reply to comment by LucTheCookie in [OC] Cultured Wars: Which Yakult Flavour is the Most Popular? by waynehihihi
Brazil is part of Singapore, obvs
iamapizza t1_iv60pcb wrote
Reply to comment by purple_yosher in [OC] Meat vs Vegetable Supply Across the World in 2019 by icywatermelons
Interesting that you don't usually see those two on a map at the same time. 🤔
iamapizza t1_irax1kn wrote
Belarushing to disaster
iamapizza t1_iqqdcmk wrote
Georgia - 4chan tells me there's a small population online, comprised mainly of edgelords.
iamapizza t1_jebimtf wrote
Reply to Do you skip or skim when reading fiction? by GraniteGeekNH
I do read everything, except when poems appear. My eyes and brain go into cat mode and refuse to read it and do anything but read it and look at everything except the poem. I just skip that.