
idontknowwhynot t1_jeayn5m wrote

You’re not offended because you’re being disingenuous and know that “is this the hill you want to die on” is a common English expression. As should be apparent by our lack of a “hill”. You can’t make a sound argument against my points, so you deferred to attacking something that has nothing to do with the arguments being made. It’s a distraction technique, and you know it.

Quit your bullshit.


idontknowwhynot t1_jeabjbx wrote

You’re proving my point with your reactions here. This is easy. Just move on. Or continue to get all worked up. I really don’t care. Only bothered to reply on the tiny shred of hope you might think about this later and realize it wasn’t worth getting all pissy about.

You’re not my enemy. I don’t hate you. Just put yourself in someone else’s shoes every now and then, yeah?


idontknowwhynot t1_jea3thz wrote

There’s a lot of things from 50 years ago that aren’t acceptable today. It’s called progress. You seem really delicate and like you’re offended by people maybe not wanting to use terminology that referred to human enslavement before it was used for pretty much anything else. Which is a problem still present in the world today, so maybe those words should continue to have the gravity of what they refer to as to not minimize the problem that it still is.

Changing the terminology we use has little impact on your life. So again, is that the hill you really want to die on? You seem awfully sensitive about it, and the rest of us are fully capable of saying “yeah, that makes sense” and moving the fuck on. Just sayin…


idontknowwhynot t1_je9nxbf wrote

I mean, maybe this is a bit much… but also, is it really a hill you want to die on (not that I’m suggesting you’re aggressively against it…maybe you are maybe you aren’t)?

If it bothers some people that much, is it really that big of a deal to maybe phase out that terminology? Maybe the normalization of the word ‘Master’ watered down how fucked up it is for for one human to have that kind of domain over another human? Maybe it didn’t. But I don’t care either way and if we want to not use it, I can get on board with that even if it ultimately doesn’t change much.


idontknowwhynot t1_je7xjjc wrote

I can’t speak to this specific article, but work in legal and tech and have heard lots of complaints for “Master Service Agreement” and a lot of folks are phasing out that terminology for the same reason. Similarly there are a lot of people who don’t like the terminology for “slaving a drive” (adding a storage device as a subordinate of another storage drive).


idontknowwhynot t1_j1t1w7r wrote

Well if your great uncle knew where he is, it sounds like he should probably be a suspect…

…or he’s a really dedicated mailman making sure that shit got delivered. But he must still be looking, otherwise we probably would have heard.

EDIT: Obviously the guy collecting the mail is OPs great uncle and not the mailman, and I understand how the mail delivery works. Some of y’all are dense. The ‘ole Reddit switcharoo used to be easier…
