ijmacd t1_j4zfagy wrote
Reply to comment by palordrolap in Oxygen and Potassium went on a date, and apparently it was OK by roostertree
If NOX is used for Nitrogen oxides, why can't we have KOX?
ijmacd t1_j38hggj wrote
Reply to comment by CuriousAndAmazed in I got a mean break by CuriousAndAmazed
"I got a mean break".
Did you really? Are you Dan?
ijmacd t1_j1ylpav wrote
Reply to comment by FTBagginz in What's "Shaddow Banning"? by rch5050
He was baiting someone to reply to him. Otherwise he wouldn't have found out.
ijmacd t1_j1qygcx wrote
ijmacd t1_j1ljxcc wrote
Reply to One liner by StreetArtNinja
The joke is that it wasn't a one liner.
ijmacd t1_j06e61m wrote
Reply to comment by Ignorhymus in Europe’s biggest port Rotterdam ‘drowning in cocaine’ by Zhukov-74
That's hilarious. Thanks
ijmacd t1_iyc2ncv wrote
Reply to comment by obsterwankenobster in What do you call and Englishman's walking cane? by obsterwankenobster
I think it's the same punchline as yours.
ijmacd t1_ixv3290 wrote
Reply to comment by DankPhotoShopMemes in Pointing out spelling mistake leads to contempt conviction for Fiji lawyer by Mamacrass
That's one way.
Contempt means not showing respect.
You could show a lack of respect to the court by not obeying it. Or you could try to humiliate the judge.
ijmacd t1_iwvaepi wrote
Reply to comment by BarryKobama in TIL John Batman was the founder of the town that became Melbourne, Australia. And originally he called it "Batmania". There's even a street named after him: Batman Ave. by idiocrites
Just like Bateman but with a short 'a' in the first syllable too.
ijmacd t1_iwiy5w7 wrote
Reply to comment by manual_tranny in PEG racking system survives near-direct 120 mph hurricane hit in Cuba by manual_tranny
Am I reading an advert? Because it sounds like I'm reading an ad.
ijmacd t1_itmbbhn wrote
Reply to comment by Penisanthonydoubs in A city in China is planning an offshore wind farm so big that it could power all of Norway by quellerand
"But if" → "Bit of"
ijmacd t1_itl2o36 wrote
Reply to comment by daddyfatknuckles in A city in China is planning an offshore wind farm so big that it could power all of Norway by quellerand
Yes but Norway doesn't need that energy. They could compare it to a country that doesn't have an excess in green energy!
(p.s. this I'm just continuing the joke from the parent commentor about the ambiguous post title ;))
ijmacd t1_itl0uj1 wrote
Reply to comment by StealthedWorgen in A city in China is planning an offshore wind farm so big that it could power all of Norway by quellerand
Bit of an empty gesture. Norway has tons of hydro power. They should make a wind farm big enough to power some more needy country.
ijmacd t1_it0uzyv wrote
Reply to comment by taint-juice in One of the longest ancient Roman inscriptions ever discovered in Britain is to go on display for the first time. by Demderdemden
Also it's just "don" when you're donning clothes.
ijmacd t1_j75vej4 wrote
Reply to Caribbean breadfruit traced back to Capt. Bligh's 1791-93 journey by Culturedecanted
The movies are good, but I prefer the Marlon Brando one to the Mel Gibson one. I can't vouch for the historical accuracy of either one though.