
illbeinthewoods t1_j91x3ka wrote

For sure. The borough did a great job of using tax abatements to bring businesses in and revitalize the town. I had looked to move there in 2008 because it was cheap but never found anything I liked at my price point. I didn't end up there until 2016 (renting) stayed for 6 years and loved it! When we were looking to buy we decided the we wanted more house for our money and moved out to a more country area.


illbeinthewoods t1_j8zdos6 wrote

Phoenixville is a pretty neat town and if you like craft breweries it can't be beat. Good restaurants, neat shops, near Valley Forge National Historic park, other historic places nearby. The town hosts a couple neat festivals every year with Blobfest probably being the highlight. Or maybe the burning of the Phoenix... Man, I miss that place.


illbeinthewoods t1_ixpqk48 wrote

I think it's because our forests are healthier. About 20 years ago the PA Game Commission implemented "herd reduction" for deer and increased the number of doe tags to allow for more deer to be killed per season. This reduction allowed for more understory in the forest which increased available food for other species. I believe the reductions also happened in the fringes of where the bears lived, allowing their populations to increase and in turn spread.

We have also seen an increase in bears populations along our border with NJ. NJ has had a few canceled bears hunts which have allowed their bear population to climb. Bears swim across the Delaware river and find a nice home here.