
imaginethat1017 t1_jd02ydp wrote

It varies a lot over the course of the case. When the child first enters the system you’ll need to be on top of making sure doctors and teachers and case workers and foster parents are all working together. You would write a report for the judge and attend court. The first month might be 12 hours of work. Then there will likely be months where all you need to do is meet with the child and foster parent, then an email check in with CPS and the child’s lawyer. That would only be 3 hours. There were more 3 hour months than 12 hour. I served during covid times, so all court proceedings were online. That made it super easy… physically going in to court would run into daytime work hours. But I bet many reasonable employers would see the value of allowing that time.


imaginethat1017 t1_jcz9kqg wrote

I was a casa for a year, before moving to a another country. It’s a bit more than just helping at court. You’re making sure the kid isn’t falling through the cracks when everyone else in the system is overwhelmed and overworked. There were services my casa child received only because casa was there to follow up. Everyone else forgot. Let me know if you have any questions.