Would be interested to hear how hollow earth nonsense accommodates the motion of the sun, the stars, and the planets; how it explains observable redshift of galaxies millions or billions of light years away from us (even an amateur can measure this); why a shadow is shorter or longer depending on longitude in a way that correlates with us living on the outside (not the inside) of what is essentially (although not exactly) a sphere; or how one can easily measure the curvature of the sphere using a laser and detector a mile or two apart.
None of these have anything to do with fisheye lenses.
This is just scratching the surface. There are tons of real world phenomena that just don’t work with a hollow earth.
infinitejetpack t1_j9rh56v wrote
Reply to Help! My friend is convinced that the Earth is hollow and we are living inside of it! by YeetFleekMasterOfRap
Would be interested to hear how hollow earth nonsense accommodates the motion of the sun, the stars, and the planets; how it explains observable redshift of galaxies millions or billions of light years away from us (even an amateur can measure this); why a shadow is shorter or longer depending on longitude in a way that correlates with us living on the outside (not the inside) of what is essentially (although not exactly) a sphere; or how one can easily measure the curvature of the sphere using a laser and detector a mile or two apart.
None of these have anything to do with fisheye lenses.
This is just scratching the surface. There are tons of real world phenomena that just don’t work with a hollow earth.