interelek313 t1_j2az100 wrote
Reply to It is the end of 2022, what was your favorite album that came out this year? What album are you most looking forward to next year? by FYLBingB0ng
‘22: Moon Tooth - Phototroph ‘23: QOTSA ? A boy can dream
interelek313 t1_j2b0ga3 wrote
Reply to comment by DominoNine in I need songs to scream-cry to on New Years by 4rtemys
To piggy back on my pal here, A Perfect Circle’s “Mer de Noms” record, specifically “3 Libras” & “Orestes” always hit me in the gut. I think this is Maynard’s best vocal work. Not much screaming on this record but it will most certainly evoke some feelings, to say the least.