irina_444 t1_ixae6i1 wrote
Reply to comment by jWalkerFTW in So uh… are these Jehovahs Witnesses at the T stations ever going to go away? by jWalkerFTW
You have the right to believe what you want. Your beliefs are rooted in your experience. But just because someone disagrees with you, doesn’t mean they are not telling the truth :).
irina_444 t1_ixadf5r wrote
Reply to comment by jWalkerFTW in So uh… are these Jehovahs Witnesses at the T stations ever going to go away? by jWalkerFTW
I have no reason to withhold truth here. Just sharing my experience with the JW families that I’ve met. Not one of them shunned me or their family members outside of JW.
irina_444 t1_ixachjn wrote
Reply to comment by jWalkerFTW in So uh… are these Jehovahs Witnesses at the T stations ever going to go away? by jWalkerFTW
Well I know several JW families in more than one country and they all have the same practices. It sounds like you are judging a whole group by your one experience with that one family.
irina_444 t1_ixaaqm7 wrote
Reply to comment by jWalkerFTW in So uh… are these Jehovahs Witnesses at the T stations ever going to go away? by jWalkerFTW
Well, I did. I’ve been friends with a JW for over 15 years now and she has always been one of the people I can rely on during difficult times. Her daughter is JW but her son is not a JW and they still talk daily and are very close. My Mom is in another country and also has JW friends for decades. Occasionally they want to talk about the Bible with her but she shuts them down. They still come back to her and maintain the friendship. On disowning someone, there might more to that story than simply not wanting to be part of JW.
irina_444 t1_ixa86bi wrote
Reply to comment by jWalkerFTW in So uh… are these Jehovahs Witnesses at the T stations ever going to go away? by jWalkerFTW
What’s so awful about their beliefs?
irina_444 t1_ix9oq9f wrote
I have friends who are JW. They are nice people and do no harm. They are rooted in their beliefs and grounded. You can just tell them you are not interested in converting and they won’t push.
irina_444 t1_ixafu9o wrote
Reply to comment by jWalkerFTW in So uh… are these Jehovahs Witnesses at the T stations ever going to go away? by jWalkerFTW
Show me the statistics that say the majority of people have this experience and we can talk. So far, we are both strangers on the internet sharing our personal experiences.