All we hear is “take shorter showers” “plant low water landscape” and we all high five and hug, one day people will realize repeating lines like “no more pools!” “Citizens are the issue!!!” Have just been feeding into what corporate farms want you to say. It’s like blaming people for the plastics and recycling issue instead of the companies… you want to hear something dumb?
Arizona Water limits new farms by acreage, not water usage within AMA zones to 2 acres. So I can use 1000 gallons on that 2 acres or 10 billion and az gives you me thumbs up. You think they’d limit WATER PER ACRE instead. What’s worse is in some cases 10-20-30 acre land with 2 acres of drip irrigated trees will sell to a developer and the developer will pack it with houses which use more water than the 2 acre drip crops anyways.
Oh but hey!
If you’re a developer, hotel,or golf course you can use as much water as you want because it’s “watering” not “irrigation”. Smarht!
Not incentivizing water saving irrigation like direct root zone and drip, AND not making flood irrigating illegal is the issue.
People who say flood irrigation recharges the Aquifers, like… yeah some… but like, you still have to pull out that same/more Amt of water the next year… so… no, you’re just delaying the issue.
ithinkthereforeisuck t1_ixn8l3q wrote
Reply to Cheap, sensor-based agriculture could slash water use by up to 70% | We could definitely use something like this with all the droughts around. by chrisdh79
All we hear is “take shorter showers” “plant low water landscape” and we all high five and hug, one day people will realize repeating lines like “no more pools!” “Citizens are the issue!!!” Have just been feeding into what corporate farms want you to say. It’s like blaming people for the plastics and recycling issue instead of the companies… you want to hear something dumb?
Arizona Water limits new farms by acreage, not water usage within AMA zones to 2 acres. So I can use 1000 gallons on that 2 acres or 10 billion and az gives you me thumbs up. You think they’d limit WATER PER ACRE instead. What’s worse is in some cases 10-20-30 acre land with 2 acres of drip irrigated trees will sell to a developer and the developer will pack it with houses which use more water than the 2 acre drip crops anyways. Oh but hey! If you’re a developer, hotel,or golf course you can use as much water as you want because it’s “watering” not “irrigation”. Smarht!
Not incentivizing water saving irrigation like direct root zone and drip, AND not making flood irrigating illegal is the issue.
People who say flood irrigation recharges the Aquifers, like… yeah some… but like, you still have to pull out that same/more Amt of water the next year… so… no, you’re just delaying the issue.