
its_muh_username OP t1_iuixzw0 wrote

But it's not. Phil Spencer said that way more people still buy physical.copies than they do join Games Pass, even on Xbox. Games Pass is just 15% of Xboxs revenue. So it's not the bread and butter. To be Xboxs bread and butter it needs to be over 50%. Even free to play and microtransactions across Fortnite and Fall Guys brings Xbox more money than games pass.


its_muh_username OP t1_iuixp44 wrote

They've been selling like hot cakes. Well, PlayStation 5 has. Playstation 5 has smashed sales records all over the world that were previously set by the PS4. Across Europe Series S sits left untouched on shelves, even at launch. And developers are now trying to get Microsoft to drop the Series S as they say it's weak and holding back next gen development.


its_muh_username OP t1_iuixc29 wrote

I know how big it is. I just don't see the point. If a developer has a perfectly good building and only put out 1 hit game that was a surprise hit. Why invest many many millions in building them a new studio. Especially at a time when Microsoft say they want to make money. Surely leave them in the building they were in and wait and see if they can put out more hit games first.


its_muh_username OP t1_iuhtsg9 wrote

It's not nuts to invest but it is nuts the amount of money that they invest. Ninja Theory's old building was fine. To buy that amount of land in an expensive part of the UK and build an entire massive building for them and fully kit it out seems wild. Because let's face it, Ninja Theory has had 1 hit game and that was a surprise hit.


its_muh_username OP t1_iuhqvow wrote

Well 2021's revenue Xbox was $16 Billion and PlayStation was $25 Billion. Factor in how many billions Microsoft has spent on Bethesda and COD etc etc. They spend a ton of money. I live right near developer Ninja Theory that makes Hell Blade. They aren't even a AAA developer yet Microsoft has built them an entire new building in one of the most expensive parts of the UK. They bought the land and built them a huge building and fully kitted it out. That seems crazy to me.