jack9lemmon t1_je709on wrote
Reply to comment by Ieatflowers68 in Just an average Brit looking for advice on a solo holiday in Boston. by Ieatflowers68
It's probably obvious, but he meant Portland Maine. Sometimes we have to make that clarification because there's actually 30ish Portland's in the US.
Just wanted to point that out before you ended up in a completely different state than intended.
jack9lemmon t1_j8wg00o wrote
Reply to comment by PrincipleLarge2118 in Daycare prices by PrincipleLarge2118
Prices I see are about 380-600/700 a week in Metrowest. Prices do vary by town a bit though. I feel like 400-500 is a the most common ranges, until you really start splurging
jack9lemmon t1_iyan10g wrote
Reply to I would purchase this by mzzy_ozborne
I'd buy this and I'm not a Celtics fan. It'd be my only piece of Boston/New England related merch aside from WooSox stuff, but it'd be an instabuy if that was legit
jack9lemmon t1_iriaogm wrote
Reply to Filipino Ice Cream: Mais Queso by HalfDecentKeeper
Pinoy Republic in Worcester carries Magnolia. That's usually our go to for anything Filipino
jack9lemmon t1_je73cmh wrote
Reply to comment by Ieatflowers68 in Just an average Brit looking for advice on a solo holiday in Boston. by Ieatflowers68
I have no factual basis to this, but I'm pretty sure if a town exists in one New England state, it exists in all of them. And then there's MA which basically stole all of your county town names and used them here.