
jagnew78 t1_je4tgr1 wrote

if you see the complexity of that it's hard not to imagine there are older, even more simple versions of this from before hand. Someone probable started with a hollow bone after sucking the marrow out after a meal and was just probably fooling around with it and blew into it for fun and it made a cool sound.

Then who knows how long... generations later someone, somewhere down the road realized if you covered your hand over one end you could make it change sound and then at some point, generations more later someone figured out you could drill holes into it and cover or uncover them and create even more sound variations.

this is an evolution of an instrument refined over generations.


jagnew78 t1_j6f8bc3 wrote

One of the major realizations Britain had in WWII prior to the bombing of Britain happening was how critical morale was to the standing army. Not only keeping them well fed and warm, but also showing them that officers and command cared about them and weren't spending their lives needlessly. And also crucially that what they were fighting for mattered.

Russia has yet to come to this realization


jagnew78 t1_j2r50wn wrote

There was a sci-fi short story I read a while back. I think it was called something along the lines of "When Sys Admins ruled the world" The premise being a global viral or chemical attack or something shuts down the whole world and the only people left alive are the various staff and sys admins who happened to be working in various envirionmentally regulated data centers.

Anyway, one of the funny/sad running lines through the story is the sysadmins using the internet to talk to each other and being affraid to go outside over the internet. And the main character keeps seeing bot traffic over the internet, less and less, but even as the world ends bots are still driving traffic on the internet.


jagnew78 t1_iy97onk wrote

if you want to read some cool stuff about how blazenly open it is google Ken Rowe Russian Mafia. You'll read a story of a business man in Canada who invested millions of dollars into a Russian hotel to turn it into a destination spot only to have the russian mafia (supported by Vladimir Putin) walk into the hotel one day with armed men and just declare that they now owned the hotel.

He never got control of the hotel back but when a Russian Oligarch landed his private jet in Canada on a stop over Ken Rowe used his business contacts in the government to have the jet held at the airport until the Russian government agreed to give him his money back.

It's probably the only documented time someone beat the oligarchs and wasn't killed.


jagnew78 t1_ivl8sh9 wrote

as usual there is a mix of truth with the lies. the Hiawatha impact event hit Greenland at a time when Greenland, and all the arctic was ice free and a balmy tropical forest.

There were no ice caps to melt, and no sea levels to rise because of non-existent ice already being melted into the ocean millions of years ahead of the Hiawatha impact.