
t1_j2en4s6 wrote

So tired of this headline. S&P dropped 20% to levels not seen since… 2021. 2020 levels for the QQQ’s. When the markets dropped 20%+ in prior market crashes, it set the markets back multiple years. This year’s 20% drop was measured from an all time high that was set at the height of a hyper inflated market (I’ll stop short of calling it a bubble).

The fixation on the YTD drop of 20% by the media seems like an attempt to assuage investors and make investors believe that the market has corrected. Not saying it is or isn’t a good time to invest, but I’m always skeptical of whatever narrative the media is trying to push.

I made a killing shorting through the supposed Xmas rally. Just think about how many media outlets were wrong on that call. Oh, and they also got it wrong every time they pushed the narrative that the fed would pivot. Leading up to every single FOMC meeting.

Edit: rewording


t1_j27sbcu wrote

Reply to AMZN is a buy. by

This analysis is straight AIDS. Literally nothing you said is new to anyone with a brain. In other words, it’s priced in. “Last year’s earnings was the biggest move” are you kidding me? That’s actually one of your reasons for believing in the stock? So many things you named apply to the entire stock market - UMICH, CPI, etc. Why people like you feel the need to share stock analysis, when you probably live in your moms basement and have zero exposure to finance while you work two jobs at Wendy’s and AMC, is beyond me.