
jamseph t1_j3oc5el wrote

At the risk of sounding like a conspiracy guy, I think their fighting is more of a show to further divide the US population. These days they would all work together and vote themselves a raise to buy new cars and you probably wouldn't hear anything about it.


jamseph t1_j2fxf0i wrote

Reply to comment by OldCoaly in Boston in 2022: Murders by spedmunki

Not what I meant, but I see how you could think that. Poor people are trapped in a neverending cycle of poverty. Asking them not to resort to extremes, like crime, is an unreasonable expectation when basic necessities can't reasonably be met through other means. My intention was to point out the ignorance associated with the question " why don't they just stop killing each other?"


jamseph t1_j2fc1ra wrote

Reply to comment by FoodGuy44 in Boston in 2022: Murders by spedmunki

The reason this is such a fucking shitty take, and it is a very fucking shitty take, is that those communities are impoverished beyond their control. You might as well ask poor people why they don't just buy a vacation home or a yacht. It's ignorant and almost purposefully avoids addressing the real problem.
