
jayzeeinthehouse t1_jdnk0i6 wrote

She for stage name and he for everything else.

Most of the Oregon queens don't do drag full time, so the female part of them is an on stage persona and they have lives outside of that, that are totally separate from the scene.

I know the media makes it seem like that isn't generally the case, but that community is as diverse as anything else out there, and the people in it may or may not view themselves as trans.

It's also insanely expensive and time consuming from what my queen friends tell me, so most people can't afford to do full time drag.


jayzeeinthehouse t1_jdekhaa wrote

You're right! Tons of students are on behavior plans, and they're often used the wrong way because it works to admins advantage to keep things like suspensions, referrals, detentions, or anything else that's tracked by the state out of official recording systems here, so I don't really think that leaders and policy makers have a full picture of the issue, and I think that once the media does some digging, they'll start talking about the countless teachers that have tried to get help but have been ignored and left worried about their personal safety trying to do a job that has become impossible.


jayzeeinthehouse t1_jddxnf7 wrote

He was on a behavioral plan that required him to get patted down by admins before he entered the school, and he shot two admins in the leg yesterday while that was happening (Dean of culture, and Dean of Restorative Justice).

It's also been revealed that he was expelled by near by Cherry Creek school district last year, so I think that he has had a long history of problems and East, which is a fairly prestigious school in Denver, decided that they could work with him without law enforcement involvement.

This is all following a fatal shooting a block away from the school a month or so ago, a student protest that followed, and several other incidents at the school.

But the bigger issue is that Denver schools are poorly run, have terrible admins, hemorrhage teachers by the dozen, and don't pay anything, so the superintendents solution that will bring an SRO to every school in the area, won't solve the pernicious structural issues here, and the community doesn't trust the police because they are either shooting innocent people or doing absolutely nothing.

In short, this problem is a symptom a much larger issues because things have gotten really bad. And, as an educator, I want two questions answered: Why the fuck was this kid allowed at school if he needed pat downs? And what the fuck were the admins thinking?


jayzeeinthehouse t1_jdafx37 wrote

I'm going to call this the Neil Degrasse Tyson problem because it can be confident about it's core knowledge, like validated articles, but it's also confidently providing incorrect information outside of that bubble and users don't know any better. Let's wait for advertisers to muddy that even more. Accurate information is going to become so hard to come by that I think the internet will eat itself.


jayzeeinthehouse t1_jbhqwhh wrote

I can, we had several parents show up to fight middle school kids last year because of he said she said bullshit, which, when added to all of the other crazy stuff that happened, gave me, and most of the other teachers there, some serious mental health issues that have only calmed by leaving the profession.


jayzeeinthehouse t1_isoquei wrote

Some of the newer salt reactors are actually pretty awesome, but I think everyone can agree that making nuclear energy to make h2 gas to create even less energy and dealing with the radioactive waste produced in the process is just plain stupid. I think we’d all be way more onboard if it was a solar farm, or wind turbines, but using hydrogen, a very reactive gas that requires tons of energy to make on a commercial level, is just idiotic when we have electric cars.