
jazzcanary t1_iye0i80 wrote

Healthcare facilities, which you are calling healthcare companies, make no money on empty beds or staffing for them. Paying higher reimbursements doesn't create more child patients. Maine has problems like this everywhere due to small populations. Taxpayers won't fund it. It's not Cigna et. al.


jazzcanary t1_iydvkou wrote

That is not what you said. No reasonable person hears "healthcare companies" and thinks "Mainecare", and "Mainecare" isn't associated with an entity answerable to stockholders and profit. In terms of making beds available, the current design and the needs of the community are not always aligning, and so how do you make that design more flexible.

In the real world of problem-solving, you can't just say shit and whine; you have to work with people.


jazzcanary t1_iydt4xz wrote

I did not say it was okay, and I didn't DM you. On the other hand, you're expecting a lot of complete strangers. Why do you insult people? It makes no sense.


jazzcanary t1_iydb0vp wrote

Your original comment accused insurance companies were at fault for lack of pedriatric beds. You were corrected repeatedly that the government is the problem as a payor, not profits. Now you're adding on to what you said, and calling people dense. You are wrong, and it's frustrating to others.