
jcdemerez t1_iy5l54m wrote

It is true that an eBook has advantages over physical books, including some of the ones you listed.

However, there is one main reason that invalidates all of them, and it has to do with how our human brain processes information.

It's been shown that reading on 3D increases understanding and retrieval of what you read. It somehow gets better into your brain. It's similar to writing longhand versus with a keyboard. If we read to learn and understand, this single fact is enough to choose physical over eBook.

I believe it may be more "efficient" to own fewer things, but being able to touch the book, pass and smell the pages, actually see the book physically, or write in the margins makes the physical book experience, in my view, more pleasurable. The downsides are manageable, and not as important as the upsides of reading actual books.