jennyfromtheblock777 t1_jbuxs3v wrote
Reply to comment by heyitslola in Blizzard likely to hit west of I-495 throughout Tuesday 3/14/23 by aHurricaneGod
Whiskey and….whiskey.
jennyfromtheblock777 OP t1_jbuh02l wrote
Reply to comment by TheCloudBoy in Yo Cloudboy what it is with the nor’easter? by jennyfromtheblock777
Thank you!
jennyfromtheblock777 t1_jbud51p wrote
Reply to comment by SheeEttin in Blizzard likely to hit west of I-495 throughout Tuesday 3/14/23 by aHurricaneGod
We cut eggs out since it’s like $0.50/egg
jennyfromtheblock777 OP t1_jbuce56 wrote
Reply to comment by Boats_are_fun in Yo Cloudboy what it is with the nor’easter? by jennyfromtheblock777
jennyfromtheblock777 OP t1_jbu9y1p wrote
Reply to comment by Icy-Neck-2422 in Yo Cloudboy what it is with the nor’easter? by jennyfromtheblock777
jennyfromtheblock777 t1_jbu9wyb wrote
Gotta get the bread and milk!
jennyfromtheblock777 t1_jcibg1o wrote
Reply to New Hampshire House Votes 210 to 160 to Fully Repeal Marijuana Prohibition by GivenAllTheFucksSry
Lol NH is not gonna go from “live free or die unless you have drugs” to “live free and do ALL THE DRUGS”
Pot would be one thing. But did I read this bill legalizes acid and other psychedelics as well? Lol that’d be a swell victory for libertarians but it will never pass the senate and Sununu won’t sign it.