
jimmymd77 t1_j64fvk2 wrote

Along those lines, there are some concerns about citizens fighting as volunteers in a war. The line between 'volunteer' and regular troops being sent in under the pretext of volunteer can be blurred. In the Korean War, hundreds of thousands of Chinese citizens 'volunteered' to join the North Korean forces. With officers and their equipment, too. McArthur wanted to use nukes to stop them. He got relieved of his command instead.


jimmymd77 t1_j63lczq wrote

Providing weapons while in an active conflict is generally considered taking a side in the conflict, especially if you give them for free.

This has a big impact because history has shown that basically you cannot defeat a people until they accept defeat. One of the ways to cripple an enemy and hopefully get them to give up the fight is to destroy their military production. When arms are supplied by another country, that puts their arms production out of range unless you add the supplier to the conflict and attack them, too.


jimmymd77 t1_j63h5w8 wrote

This is why the west had not given a blank check for Ukraine to get any weapons the ask for. If ukraine crosses into Russia, there is fear this would escalate further. Airstrikes and drones on military bases are OK, but not occupation.

Note Belorus allowing Putin to use their territory to stage the attack is generally also considered being a belligerent.


jimmymd77 t1_iv2p7si wrote

I would note that Italy also had a an influx of different peoples in the wake of the fall of the Western Roman Empire. Obviously there were goths, but also Lombards that moved into the north.

I would also point out that trade made many aristocratic families and their corresponding cities crazy wealthy without the corresponding land and population. Their long links to the Mediterranean allowed them to develop monopolies with Eastern trade as the gateway to the Catholic west. This is probably why mercenaries were so popular - money, but not a lot of foot soldiers. This might be how they could stay divided as long as they did, and not conquered by someone else. It also made them rivals and emphasized some of their local culture as a matter of pride.