
t1_j7uswpd wrote

How much energy and waste does the ‘chemical process’ use/create?

Are the chemicals difficult to extract, synthesise and dispose of? Where would be appropriate for this to take place, would turbine blades have to be transported across vast distances thus creating more pollution?


t1_ivy97ws wrote

A lot of poorer countries have populations where upwards of 50% still work the land and live subsistence lifestyles. Alter the climate and crops fail and guess what, those people are going to want to move en masse.

Meanwhile richer countries who already import a lot of calories just end up paying a bit more (which we currently are doing)

This starts a feedback loop as those middling countries now want to export more as the price is high thus damaging domestic food supply.

It’s not climate change as a conscience entity looking at places on a map deciding who to pick on!

What do think happens when the global temperature increases 2 degrees? Does everyone just turn their a/c up a notch?


t1_ivy4itf wrote

Rising socialism and/or nationalism in many western societies.

Post war capitalism ideals are falling short for the majority of people as the wealth gap continues to increase. Especially in younger generations (>40) that on paper don’t own a lot compared with older boomers. For them, socialism looks quite appealing and rightly so.

Nationalism is going to increase too fuelled by mass migration of peoples from the typically ‘underdeveloped’ nations. As our fossil fuel habit catches up with us (weaning ourselves off as well as pollution) and climate change hits those in poorer countries first, we’ll see a lot of people on the move. Que the nationalistic rhetoric from populist leaders.

Less people will be driving.

Fewer flights.

People living in larger family/friend units to share costs of living (financial and also time consuming - child care etc)

Will tech still innovate? Probably but at a slower rate and it won’t be accessible for the masses unless it’s wrapped up with personal ID and social credit scoring stuff.