My former partner had a very self-centred, but apparently charming ex - the kind of person that doesn't have much skill in the area but has talked his way into high-end jobs in design and branding. Kinda' wins the contracts so his underlings can do all the work.
Over time I got to hear more and more odd things about him, like he ignored the existence of their son for the first year or so, apparently because he hated not being the centre of attention.
More weird stuff emerged about him, but apparently at the age of 15 he and his brother set fire to a live rabbit in their garden and he watched it burn alive. He also performatively bangs on about being a vegan but then eats meat and dairy outside of his house.
The worst part about this rabbit burner is he called his son with his new wife... Bunny.
jinglesan t1_iwnkwqb wrote
Reply to Psychopathic tendencies are associated with an elevated interest in fire, study finds by chrisdh79
My former partner had a very self-centred, but apparently charming ex - the kind of person that doesn't have much skill in the area but has talked his way into high-end jobs in design and branding. Kinda' wins the contracts so his underlings can do all the work.
Over time I got to hear more and more odd things about him, like he ignored the existence of their son for the first year or so, apparently because he hated not being the centre of attention.
More weird stuff emerged about him, but apparently at the age of 15 he and his brother set fire to a live rabbit in their garden and he watched it burn alive. He also performatively bangs on about being a vegan but then eats meat and dairy outside of his house.
The worst part about this rabbit burner is he called his son with his new wife... Bunny.