
joeshmoe9898 t1_jbxkyz3 wrote

I would half disagree. Smartphones weren’t popular because the interface and capabilities were clunky and awkward. Steve summed it up in that first keynote, iPod + Phone + Internet communicator. They knew they had created a new class of product, I don’t think anyone could have known HOW BIG the market would be. To me, what set it apart was the interface and that the tech had evolved enough to create a smooth experience in a compact form factor (the first iPhone was pretty small!)

I do agree though that the competition now is a totally different situation. Apple was competing with Palm, Sony, & Blackberry. Not every major tech brand.


joeshmoe9898 t1_jbxg8u3 wrote

I’m also skeptical but it’s very different for a social media company to try to develop success as a hardware design company. If you made a short list of companies that would successfully develop a headset that helps it go mainstream, Apple would have to be near the top of that list.

Again, I’m skeptical. This seems like a less obvious win than smartphones were and there’s already much more competition in the VR space than there was in smart phones in 2008. If they do something extraordinary, I suspect it will be from an interface innovation.