jpm01609 t1_j8oobap wrote
Reply to comment by JacksonRidge142 in Best Life Hack in Worcester? by CoolAbdul
Tell Jackson ridge to leave
jpm01609 t1_j8om0zv wrote
Reply to Worcester trash and Recycle everyone! by BigSteveSees
Go back where you came from and quit complaining
jpm01609 t1_j8gadc8 wrote
get there for 855AM be the first in line have all your documents (even the ones you dont think you will need).. do not do what I did and wait until 910AM and then have to wiat 1-2 at the DOOR at 850AM!
jpm01609 t1_j7dfuuk wrote
please just stay away you are not worthy
jpm01609 t1_j77ge0f wrote
Reply to Best lunch spot in Worcester? by Technical_Pay9104
try either Pickle Barrel (cheap but good) or across the street Bahnans (so good!)
jpm01609 t1_j6whcw6 wrote
a lot of cool young professionals wear alumunim triangular pyramids on their heads to help us similar people identify each other, comingle and--ultimately--procreate....try it and you will get the attention you deserve it
jpm01609 t1_j638nyx wrote
Reply to Looking for a good health food / natural remedy store in the area (not Whole Foods obviously) by Donebrach
go to Cambridge
Submitted by jpm01609 t3_10hqdyc in WorcesterMA
jpm01609 t1_j4zux6w wrote
Reply to Moving in feb. by Even_Dragonfruit3387
Jpm01609@ yhoo. Email me. Landlord since 2004
jpm01609 t1_j4una2b wrote
stand on a street corner and hold a "homeless" sign
jpm01609 t1_j4h50ws wrote
yeah, by posting at that exact location that statement rings true for EVERY Worcesterite
jpm01609 t1_j4c5a0f wrote
Restore in Worcester is really good hit or miss
jpm01609 t1_j3yo18c wrote
this is the movie...Ben has to come back to WORCESTER to help with his ailing dad......he lost his Hollywood career and he has to get a job to try to keep up with child support payments and deal with his awful exwife...add some local color and some snooty locals to humiliate him (ie his old girlfriend from high school pulls up in a BMW or local kids who are asshles etc)
...and in his new job he has to kowtow to "witchy" Dunkins Manager (JLo)....and he keeps getting stuck with the night shift...meanwhile he's taking classes and trying to decide if he really WANTS to take over Dad's business....ultimately he and JLo get stuck in during a Nor'easter and get closer...she tells her own stories and he realizes she is the "other half" he needs to help take over Dad's business because all her toughness can run the business...Maybe his Dad is prejudiced against Hispanics too...we need to add a musical number so JLo can show off a bit too
jpm01609 t1_j3t91tz wrote
pullleez give me a break
jpm01609 t1_j3qo27n wrote
Reply to Verizon Experience Feedback by KNS508
you really need to QUALIFY your location if you are getting or have is not offered in most of Worcester
jpm01609 t1_j2r6hhg wrote
Reply to rehab/cleanse by chewyma
go to an "open" AA meeting, sit int he back, dont go there with alcohol on your breath, make friends after, just be respectful and listen to some stories....keep in mind every AA meeting is run differently and have a different focus.....learn what it's all about...try a VARIETY of diff meetings in different locations and towns too for instance I found in Worcester some hard core heavy drug users but in Oxford (sunday) more middle class types who discussed more things like pill addiction etc
jpm01609 t1_j2dsanu wrote
Reply to Xfinity subscribers, what are we paying for? I haven't had cable in 11 years and I don't watch sports. Xfinity gave me the vaguest answer. by DistilledBrookie7
Switched to Tmobile for 50/mo 5G in worcester. Was paying 80/mo for Internet only trhu Charter.
Not a fan of FIOS, but could be convinced when it becomes available in 2023 here.
. Tmobile is a tad slower, but I am a one person household and Internet is 90 pct of my usage.
jpm01609 t1_j29qqje wrote
Reply to Moving to Massachusetts next summer. by pastywhiterunner
Stay in vegas
jpm01609 t1_j28di1e wrote
the one in Mendon (near Imperial car) has an interesting room with retro chairs and couches and more of a Starbucks feel
jpm01609 t1_j2424ur wrote
Reply to comment by itallendsintears in How many of you actually have the Boston accent? by MrMeanBean75
I read somewhere once that the strongest accents in ANY given regions--this is worldwide--are the folks who are in the DOMINANT culture.
So , for instance, the strongest accents in Southie would be white, working class folks of mostly Irish heritage--for example
I have definitely enjoyed a coworker I had 40+ years ago , a black guy who had a THICK regional Georgia accent too. Whst they call stuff is educational and I knew I wanted to learn more about his area, etc
jpm01609 t1_j241owu wrote
Whenever I watcha movie that is supposed to be filmed in Massachusetts, I am as I am sure many on here are--very critical of the local accents
a) Perfect Storm--Clooney sucked, but the locals got it right
b) The Town (Ben Affleck produced_--ALWAYS dead on
'c) Conviction--Hillary Swank--I loved the story. Took place in Ayer MA, but why the F do directors think everyone in MA talks like a Kennedy? I am from Worcester and in Ayer most ppl talk pretty close to us. In all my sales travels all over MA, I rarely have encountered a Kennedy accent (closest was a guy from Hingham who was a big boater and hung with Ted K quite often) but that was rare.
jpm01609 t1_j23vz9y wrote
home depot
jpm01609 t1_j1wupzk wrote
Reply to comment by BartonCove in Greenfield by Another_Reddit
>Ant Bourdain’s Parts Unknown Season 4 Episode 7 “Massachusetts”.
jpm01609 t1_j1uvdp7 wrote
Reply to Internet Provider by readingpenguin
Tmobile 5G off air 50/mo I use it on Bell Hill
Charter was 80mo this little guy requires no wiring, auto pay and is only slightly slower than my Charter but I am on PC not TV 95 pct of the time so I dont notice it
jpm01609 t1_j91ley7 wrote
Reply to Family friendly restaurant recommendations for pre-Monster Jam meal? by FireJackEdwards
go 495 N to route 9 in westboro then take route 9 from westboro to worcester and you will see tons of places along that route
take 495 to route 20 in Marlborough then go west