
jpm01609 t1_jdsxfyc wrote

I a switching to SMART ENERGY and will see how it goes


for your information there are sites that show ALL the alternative carriers (the billing will still go thru National Grid) but the savings looks really good


jpm01609 t1_jchsxah wrote

Reply to Rent Hike by sbenzing100

Landlord costs have gone up 10-40 pct for all of the following: city taxes, water/sewer., electric, gas, house insurance --in just 2 years!


jpm01609 t1_jbmam7m wrote

people in parade walk east from Park/mill to Highland you want to keep your eyes for paraders going in THAT direction


if you look the other way, you will only see their backsides, and that would be sad


jpm01609 t1_jb0a40m wrote

second time I was called an old guy (72) had had his license pulled for 6 months


he had had an old Taurus, drove in Uxbridge and lost his license for 6 month sna dhad hired a lwyer to get it back


the police officer showed up and just laid out the facts ie swerving


after testimony the officer just left


our foreman was all set to convict


when wegot togetehr as a group, our foreman was all set to convict the guy


and then I spoke


a) has anyone here every driven an old Taurus? and then I went into detail about how bad the visibility is


b) I am a"10 " driver for my comapny and I STILL make errors from time to time


c) I showed how the old guy was punished enough and had to hire a lawyer (I showed him to be poor and might want to have a license just to see his grandkids)


d) I talked about the area itself (rt 140 in N uxbridge just south of CVS) and how poor the striping is there


e) his state of mind (grieving)


The guy;s lawyer did not go into any detail like this


but I put enough doubt and spoke withconviction the old guy won


jpm01609 t1_j9zf56x wrote

During the hey day of the punk rock era (Patti Smith/The Cars etc), someomne wrote a song about working in a factory.


One summer I worked ina factory Yeah, it sucked. So glad I was doing during semesters.


Having the factory experience makes you crave --in your head--what you would do once you were free.


Keep those primises you made to yourself!. THose are the most important.


Everyday above my computer sites a cork board wall of varous items like bills and schedule but also reminders and notes to stay focused.


jpm01609 OP t1_j9eq8a9 wrote

when I was a renter or buyer, I look up the in the city/town records and ask if the person who wrote the ad is "so and so" and usually it is someone who is "working for the United Nations in Nigeria" or some other fake response.....this happens on apartments, cars, etc--not just housing