
jrhawk42 t1_jefs40p wrote

I'd probably say the sugar is the most widely accepted drug in the world (if you consider it a drug).

While caffeine is highly accepted it's still banned by a few religions, some sports groups, and regulated by governments.

Sugar on the other hand has very little regulation and I don't think it's banned by anything.


jrhawk42 t1_ja7ceqa wrote

I actually did this in college so it's a little different but things weren't going my way and I decided to take a season off. No training, no lifting, no coaches, no rec leagues, nothing. For the first time since I was 6 years old I wasn't playing a competitive sport, and it was like a switch was hit. At first it was just going to be a season so I could figure things out, but after a few weeks I just decided I was ending my career.

So that's my advice don't think of it as ending a career. Take a season off enjoy life, and see how that fits.


jrhawk42 t1_j6nqsz7 wrote

I'll start of by saying acting as a career is a highly competitive field. So if you want to act professionally then I'd say be prepared to move to an area w/ a lot of jobs and start auditioning. You probably won't make it because you not only need to be talented, but also connected, and very lucky. I'd stay away from schools and tutors unless you get a big break and realize you need more training to actually move forward w/ a career.

If you're looking to do it as a hobby there's plenty of stuff you can do. Join a local theater group, find an online community, write/produce/act in your own soap opera videos. Honestly I think w/ how the world is today you might have a better chance turning professional making tiktok soap opera videos as you would auditioning for roles in Hollywood.


jrhawk42 t1_j6imyi3 wrote

Nutrition and healthy living is the best way to get to your full potential height. I've always heard coffee and cigarettes will stunt your growth, but I think that was something they told us when we were kids so we didn't steal cigarettes and chug soda all day.

Overall though you'll probably just need to accept that you'll be around 5'5 unless you haven't hit puberty or something like that. After high school a lot of the focused teasing will slow down. You'll still get the occasional jerk, but you need to realize they'll find anything to be a jerk about, and it's best to just avoid those people.


jrhawk42 t1_j1v4gol wrote

Assuming they have reasonable intellect they would be able to get an idea of what type of species we are.

I don't really think there's intelligent life out there, but if there was it makes sense they would understand the basic principal that it's better to work together. Being mostly stuck on earth we have limited resources, but if you could travel space your resources are practically unlimited.

Our biggest risk would be a dying planet society sending a hail mary ark to save themselves hoping earth was habitable after their world has died. Realistically we've got better odds being taken over by bacteria on Earth.