
jshamwow t1_j47674x wrote

It’s a beautiful church. Both of my grandparents’ burial masses were held there. But still, the Catholic Church has only itself to blame for not keeping up with the times. As the old generation of Bloomfielders dies off, the people moving into that neighborhood don’t want pedophile apologists and hard-line conservatives preaching their gospel of hate.


jshamwow t1_j2bq4cl wrote

Don't live there anymore but when I did, what I liked: solid art and music scene for a city of its size, including cultural institutions like museums and operas that make it feel like a much larger city than it actually is; good walkable neighborhoods and business districts; nice park system; good # of gay bars with different vibes.

Disliked: can be hard to travel to and from bc the airport sucks; sense of provincialism (lotsa hometown pride from people who really just haven't traveled much); streets in most neighborhoods aren't vibrant after dark; housing stock overpriced in trendy neighborhoods (sorry but a Lawrenceville row house is still a Lawrenceville row house no matter how nicely designed on the inside).