
jstahr63 t1_ja5kygc wrote

I'm sad to hear The Plum Tomato went downhill. The Groton Plum was a workplace favorite and never disappointed. That was well over 15 years ago, but still sad.


jstahr63 t1_j0xo9uc wrote

Reply to Heat Pump Cost by raidflex

I had a 28k est. pre-pandemic. Decided to replace the flood damaged oil burner instead at <9k. Might regret that this year.


jstahr63 t1_iui90gl wrote

I've been here 35 years, this is the first I've seen a second run in town after the initial spring sand pickup. Mid-summer IIRC. Perhaps a complaint triggered it but our current officials I can fully imagine saying "oh we'll pick up nips.

Either way, it damn sure won't help our river banks which are even more littered with them.

Funding was released six months ago and again this month (Oct.). Towns have very different ways of dealing with windfalls.


jstahr63 t1_itrr0i7 wrote

I had a large sign vandalized on my property - doubt we'll find the culprit. The candidate's face was adorned with- eh you know. He decided to report it, which was fun because he used to be a cop himself. He was going to take it as a loss but returned the next day, his photo removed from the sign leaving only his name and the words Cop, Dad, Veteran. I honestly think it's more effective and folks that saw the vandalism are more apt to vote for him now. Here's hoping, his opponent is one of the hateful eight that posts anti-democracy memes on FB.