
jzini t1_jde10f0 wrote

I saw the response and they are being defense after stepping in some shit. They are human and do you think the booking person throughly researches everything? I don’t. I’m down for a boycott if they host again, but we can still protest outside regardless of our feelings of 902. If I was 902, I’d let both happen and carve out a safe area visible from the road to let people who want to protest do it safely.


jzini t1_jddyrat wrote

Just commented on their page here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CqHL1ORJ-ey/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

I think it’s important to give them context instead of going after them for hosting. Let them understand but there is a level of being reasonable canceling event the night of. I’m not sure what their knowledge is of this, as I wouldn’t research every event in detail… but if you share your opinions now, they can at least make informed choices.

Let’s not interpret ignorance as malice. Pitchforking doesn’t lead to understanding - it builds resentment. I liked a lot of the events 902 hosted - like Ukrainian night comes to mind. If they continue to support after being informed, then you can do what you want with that information.