
karabo29 t1_j1llbyo wrote

you are for sure over reacting. I can't believe the amount of posts I've seen about this on this subreddit. Obviously, the letter is a blanket suggestion for everyone. If enough people take it seriously it'll ease strain on the electric grid during these freezing temps. Some of you are so first world it is disgusting. Be thankful you even have reliable power in the first place. Yes this is America, yes your paying for it blah blah blah. Downvote the shit out of me. For real, its just a heads up letter with the intention of saying, "hey if you strain the electric grid too much in these temps power will go out." Not hard to understand. Fucking hell.


karabo29 t1_j1cxcd5 wrote

This is hilarious. such a prennsylvania response. snowblowers? OP, get a shovel. Grow a pair. Snow tires yes, trust me though, snowtires won't adjust for bad driving. Drive slow, dont make sharp turns and accelerate at the exit of a turn if the roads have snow. Asking this question on reddit is hilarious. Love it. Good luck Texan.
