
katarh t1_jefycuz wrote

With an illustrator's skill set, you may have a role in IT in user interface design for a software company, or in diagramming technical layouts for networking and hardware based systems. Both of those are things that AI probably isn't going to be able to replicate since they require non-image inputs, i.e. text systems.

Going back to school is scary, but it can be worth it. I had a "worthless" undergraduate degree (English....) and tacked on a master's degree in business technology. I worked part time in a Managed Service Provider (MSP) first as a network technician, then as their junior systems administrator, while I was getting my degree. I landed a job first as a general IT analyst, and now as a business analyst for a software team.

Ironically, I spent the last two months..... in Photoshop. Making new icons for our software as part of a user interface refresh. I was the only person on the team with any kind of art training whatsoever, so.....


katarh t1_jefxio2 wrote

It's not the researchers, it's the scummy Delta-8 marketing websites that want to sell someone a bag of gummies that will simultaneously cure their depression, stop their pain, and miraculously make them lose weight despite the munchies.

(Having played with it a bit, it definitely did ease some of my muscle soreness after a heavy leg workout, but all the other things are just marketing BS and I suspect the FDA is about to crack down on a lot of them.)


katarh t1_jec3gbn wrote

I suppose also for some of us, the learning is part of the enjoying.

I also understand the perspective also wanting to appreciate the art as it is presented, and without the context. And as others in this discussion thread have noted, some artists want it to be approached that way - leaving the piece as Untitled and requesting that it be presented without the context or notes.

There's really no wrong way to appreciate art, despite what the clickbait title says. If you find the beauty in the image and not the words, that's valid too.

Cheers, stranger.


katarh t1_je9lyhq wrote

Sometimes the little placards provide a lot more context than the raw painting could ever provide.

If it's a portrait, who is the subject? Is there some symbolic meaning behind the objects around them? Who commissioned it, and why? Was the artist just starting out, or was this the highlight of their career?

If it's a landscape, where was it painted? Was it done "in plain air" on site, or was it done from a sketch in a studio? Did the artist live there, or were they just visiting?


katarh t1_j8ni6jp wrote

My hour long resistance training session at the gym doesn't need gatorade, just some water and a good meal afterward.

That marathoner who is on mile 20 and has hit the wall, pushed through it, pooped himself, and is on the verge of passing out and is only still going due to sheer endorphins? Yep, electrolytes make a LOT of sense.


katarh t1_j6dbkc2 wrote

I wouldn't be surprised.

There's also a really neat story about the diaspora of Vietnamese nail salon owners, most of whom got their start in California at a technical college taught in Vietnamese, and how they came to dominate the industry around the US.

California's rules and regulations still dominate how the practice and business is taught in all the other states as a result.


katarh t1_j6bud8x wrote

The ones who wear that are usually the ones at the nail station, where the primary risk is from the acrylic dust. They use a tiny dremel of sorts to drill directly into the acrylic and shape it, and that dust gets EVERYWHERE.

I've seen some of the acrylic nail techs wear goggles as well.

The ones who primarily deal in pedicures and such only started wearing masks during the pandemic. They still deal with harsh chemicals (acetone etc) but they can wear gloves to protect their hands at least.


katarh t1_j6b66w7 wrote

While most hair stylists and cosmetologists are trained to handle multiple textures of hair (they have to be, to pass their exams) they ultimately go on to serve primarily one type of clientele - those who come to their shops.

In areas dominated by Black and Latino populations, their primary clients will also be of those populations.

Black hair chemicals are notoriously noxious. I'm assuming that there may also be a cultural difference in the requested chemical usage for the hair of Latino populations, and less of a hair texture difference (most will probably have Type 1 (straight) or Type 2 (wavy) hair, same as European descendent Americans, although occasionally Type 3 (curly) may come into play. Black Americans almost universally have Type 3 or Type 4.)


katarh t1_j6b5i03 wrote


katarh t1_j4q3dco wrote

You and I must not be on the same part of YouTube.

Big YouTube channels have 24/7 content moderators who keep them pretty clean, but some of the smaller channels where it's just the owner can quickly devolve into food fights while the host is asleep.


katarh t1_j4lf3zf wrote

Speaking to modern day humans: Canned baby food is very bland - little salt or pepper - but baby formula is often full of a ton of sugar. I once heard it referred to as a "baby milkshake" by a professor complaining about how much sugar is in standard formula. Human breast milk has milk sugars in it too, but the calories are also coming from fats and proteins.


katarh t1_j4eqd5o wrote

There's a subjective interpretation of a good looking body at play here, too.

I find women who are extremely skinny to be..... not that pleasant to look at, myself. Don't like seeing ribcages and hip bones poking out.

But a gal with a six pack, a butt that squats, and arms that look capable of pull ups? Yeah, I'll probably look at her a bit longer than the super skinny ones.

I am dissatisfied with my own body, but I also want my body to be fit and curvy, not thin enough to look like Twiggy.


katarh t1_j15pqti wrote

Wonderful job, and thank you for sharing! I especially appreciate the quality assurance team doing their inspections throughout the process. You are already paid up in taxes thanks to their excellent work.


katarh t1_j0wy2s7 wrote

One of the trial participants is Italian, and now that the trial has ended, he's lost access to it. They're trying to get him emergency compassionate use authorization through the Italian government so he can have access again.


katarh t1_j06nxvg wrote

Sounds about right. A room mate has had it three times now, and it was a different strain each team. Alpha, Delta, and Omicron in the beginning of November.

I've never had a positive test or any of the classic symptoms, but round about January of last year I had a week of weird leg cramps, and my antibody levels reached Reactive + at my platelet donation, giving me a good indication that I fought off a systematic infection without it touching my respiratory system (where it would be detected by a nasal swab.)