kinda_guilty t1_jdmwxto wrote
Reply to comment by bohlah00 in New project aims to bring education to 10 million girls in rural India by Sidjoneya
They are already in school.
kinda_guilty t1_jddya9j wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Which TV Star missed out on the most iconic roles? by Britneyfan123
Plus we already have enough of our favourite shows being difficult to rewatch because the lead turned out to be a tosser.
kinda_guilty t1_ixv72a3 wrote
Reply to comment by rhllor in Your favorite stretch of episodes in a TV show? by bros402
I loved the entire two universes arc. Particularly loved the dynamic between Asterisk and her autistic counterpart.
kinda_guilty t1_jdxx1o4 wrote
Reply to comment by BecoDasCavernas in Has anyone watched Night Agent TV series? by Ecstatic-Mongoose454
I liked that aspect (>!when the lead is overwhelmed in a fight, she jumps in with one blow or stab when the antagonists are looking away to tip the scales. Refreshing change of pace from the damsels hiding in the corner screaming while they are saved nonsense in most media.!<)