kindofdivorced t1_j5919hq wrote
Reply to comment by snarkuzoid in Prices on Marijuanna in NJ are over 500% higher than in California. by ExperienceNo7751
They’re not “illegal” in the city (minus the guy with the table), they’re operating in a grey area while the state figures out the structure, they have “future permits”. There are some REALLY good shops on 7th avenue near Times Square with security and quality goods at good prices. They can’t be too illegal if actual cops are assisting the private security with entry and exit control.
kindofdivorced t1_j6orwtj wrote
Reply to In light of Biden announcing funding for the Hudson tunnels, let’s not forget Chris Christie canceled the original project which would have been done by now and cost half as much. by Flashinglights0101
He used the money to rebuild the Pulaski Skyway, actually. Total waste.