
krickaby t1_j6d00lt wrote

At the time, this was due to the incredibly high dose of prednisone my doctor had me on for some lung issues. Diabetic response to prednisone in general is common enough, I guess. 17 year old me didn’t know that, tho. I used insulin for about 3 months before things leveled back out.

Flash forward 15 years and I am now T1 diabetic, though.


krickaby t1_j6cxlaw wrote

This happened to me on a random day in highschool. I didn’t know what the hell was going on so I’m drinking Gatorade thinking it’s going to help but of course that was only exacerbating things. Mom knew right away what was up and sure enough I went and checked on grandmas meter and I was at 550. The meter maxes out at 550 so I don’t really know exactly how high it was.