
laziestindian t1_ja6bh9r wrote

The Trump administration is the one who removed the regulation after the Obama added it.

Trump probably didn't really give two shits about most of what he signed as President but he's just as responsible as the other Republicans who voted the change through.

Republican governor DeWine is also the one who refused federal aid from Biden going to the affected area.


laziestindian t1_iu7jw6q wrote

  1. A loan to pay a loan is 99% of the time a terrible idea...

  2. Check who currently owns your loan, if it is Fannie Mae you have options they aren't giving you.

A payment deferral plan is probably what you want and one of the options they mentioned previously, this assumes you have been reemployed and can make payments again. This puts the deferred amount on the end of your loan and should not affect the interest rate or payment.

A repayment plan spreads the balance out over some or the rest of the loan term but, again, it shouldn't be increasing the interest rate.

Loan modification is what they're pushing but in this case it hurts you instead of helping.

  1. For either payment deferral or repayment there may be additional paperwork you need to file. Talk to them specifically about these plans and whether they are options, getting in writing is best.

  2. If these are not options for some reason the higher interest is about the same cost as adding a 37k personal loan which they aren't going to want to give to repay a different loan. The higher interest also doesn't wipe your personally I'd take it, be frugal, and refinance somepoint after you own at least 20% of the house and rates have decreased at least a bit.