
lcbk t1_itpzben wrote

I'm a stay at home mom so all I have to do is clean the house and feed the family. I manage but I'm not winning any prizes. Had it only been me, living alone, I wouldn't even cook for myself. Couch paralysis and sleeping late sounds very familiar. Stress is also a good motivator.


lcbk t1_itpuoyw wrote

For me it's so hard to just get up and do things because I'm not motivated enough, aka my brain isn't giving me any dopamine. I also have very low energy, probably because of the dopamine as well.

After 1 week of medicine I did things right away. I just got up and did it. It was incredible. I did however feel like the effects tapered off after about 6 months. The solution to that is either a higher dose, or to stop for a while and then start again. I prefer the latter.