
letsgetrandy t1_jeb7s47 wrote

I love this. It's like when people decry horror films for having characters make stupid decisions while you're screaming at the screen "don't go in there!" It completely misses the point of the entire genre!

Hallmark films are intended to be cliches. It's almost like you grew up without ever hearing the phrase "a Hallmark moment."


letsgetrandy t1_j9tt0ct wrote

I haven't tried recently so I don't know if there have been any advances in quality, but I know the last time I tried one it made me dizzy and gave me a headache. Was not an experience I wanted to repeat.


letsgetrandy t1_iyd7oyg wrote

I'm waiting for the day when someone finally proves that blockchain matters at all, outside of cryptocurrency. For all the talk of how important the new technology was, and all the excitement around it, the only thing it's ever succeeded at producing is environment-killing fad investments, and $200,000 GIFs.