
libertarianinus t1_jebypkf wrote

I believe if people want to they will, but addiction is a major problem. 75% of people reoffend but if you put them in the same place where they came from, they have no chance. Drug users are gonna use, gang bangers are gonna Bang. It is what it is. I believe in personal responsibility, Decriminalize all drugs, But criminalize those who do bad things to get those drugs. Europe and Vancouver, Let's addicts trade in there needles but they have to be accountable. Here in the States we just give them the needles But don't let them be accountable. We just ease them into death. My homeless brother just passed away last January alone in his Van. He had a blood alcohol level of 4.5. I miss him very much.


libertarianinus t1_jebq24x wrote

I just know my little sister was raped and the person is still walking in the streets after 2 years in prison. Well 8 months rest was in county. We dont have accountability. I was asking for solutions to the people who prey on people. Murderes rapists child molesters. Watch local news. Every night 2 people killed, thats 2 people who should not be alive. Eye for a eye, a tooth for a tooth.

I ask, where you are in life, are you there by circumstances or by the choices you made?.


libertarianinus t1_jebe72x wrote

This is only federal inmates from BOP (federal). Crime was very bad in 1980 with 10.4 murders per 100k. Now its about 7.6. In 2010 it was 4.4. If just 2% are super bad people who cant be rehabilitated thats 6,800,000 people in US. What do we do with them? This is a problem of us as a society that we need to figure out.


libertarianinus t1_ir5tktr wrote

Energy is used in all aspects of our life. Manufacturing, Transportation, Food, Utilities, All influence on what we pay for items.

Edit: Be more energy independent, have more nuke plants etc. Fyi, nuke does nothing for transportation and food.