
t1_itw8b8f wrote

don’t worry Ibe been poor as shit for my whole life and finally my partner and 3 roomates and I can afford a beach house for like a week! you def know me because you’ve read through my post history. thanks for being happy for my growth out of poverty as an educator.

again, poor people can’t go on vacation is another super shitty take


t1_itv4ooj wrote

a housing crisis isn’t solved by putting up cardboard luxury apartments low income residents of the neighborhood could never afford and that are poor quality. So if we want to help low income communities the luxury apartments no low income family could afford isn’t a solution at all. I agree w u on public transportation tho 1000% but unfortunately that’s not the case in that area of JC.

“poor people no have cars” isn’t a super great or nuanced take. lots of njcu students have cars. source, i graduated a few years ago and myself and many others saved for $1-2k beater vehicles to transport ourselves. NJCU is a commuter school, commuters will not attend without accessible parking. the destruction of the closest lot to the campus has not helped prospective students. The lot destroyed was a 15 minute walk from campus, the only affordable commuter lot available to students now is a 25 minute walk away


t1_itq2wnp wrote

doesn’t really matter to me since the university is one of the only universities that lower income people in the area can afford. the land was renovated by the old president of NJCU to give the university a lot of money and lots of money has since been reported missing in the tenure of said president! and meanwhile when the lots were running the university was in much better financial standing