
liliumsuperstar t1_j2dkeri wrote

Not legally. There are more options for high school; you can "apply" to some other districts that offer certain CTE programs.

Within Providence there are definitely some gems. People like Vartan and RFK. William D'Abate has some amazing teachers and programs. I'm sure there are other good ones I just don't personally know about. There are also lower-cost private/Catholic schools (if that works for you) that are cheaper than moving would be. And the Paul Cuffee lottery.


liliumsuperstar t1_j1wruwd wrote

Elmhurst is nice. Car break ins and thefts still do happen, though. And like all of Providence, it can really vary by street. Look for a bit of distance from PC and Pleasant Valley Parkway. Prices are still high but starting to turn around a bit.

For other communities you could look at North Providence or Smithfield. I’m less acquainted with prices there.