
lonewolf143143 t1_j23z0f6 wrote

Our property borders a national forest on one side. We’ve had people try to camp or hike through our property before. And , of course, the illegal poachers/hunters/vandals/thieves

We didn’t do anything besides chase them off until about 10 years ago. Our property has a small pond. Several pairs of geese decided that our small pond makes a great year round home. They don’t bother us or our dogs/animals , but will aggressively chase anyone else. They are big, make a lot of noise & look insane when bothered. The original pairs have long since passed, I’m sure. There are sometimes more than three pairs. We are respectful & give them space during nesting.

We’ve not had any issues with hikers, looters, vandals or campers since the geese decided our pond makes a great home. Raise some geese for your property