
lostsailorlivefree t1_j0d2yxb wrote

I kinda “got” something, after being mystified for years on the giant Nazca pictoglyphs. After learning there were small ones, 12’ easily viewed just standing there, someone said “our gods might like this, we’re pretty stoked, they might be too!”. So they basically enlarged a few just by imagining and… there ya go. The big mystery being “why so big and only viewable by air”. Well, they just made small into big.


lostsailorlivefree t1_izk8ob8 wrote

“The Sea People” really are a mystery and there seem to be distinct references in multiple cultures referring to a destructive, mobile force who seem to come from sea travel to seek and pillage (and destroy) many many developed settlements around the Med. What if there were all the described calamities described from widespread famine and natural disasters and the “strong (brutal) survive” situation takes hold and the Sea People are an amalgamation of surviving folk who band together thinking “everything has gone to shit and if I want to survive I opt in with these mobile warlords and pillage for a living”. Like a 000 failed settlements each had a couple incredibly tough survivors and that ‘A’ Team of brutality was the Sea People. No other organizing force like religion or culture- just survival by taking.