
luchobucho t1_j92ii5d wrote

“It originated as a sort of unofficial rideshare network predating Uber, when most taxis wouldn't pick up black people.”

Baltimore was (is) a segregated city. Commercial taxis didn’t generally serve black people so hacking sprung up to fill a need.

I remember my grandpa would go hack outside the grocery store on sundays after church when I was a kid.


luchobucho t1_itvjsns wrote

“So 128 extra payments that are just fees instead of actual consumed water”

It seems perhaps you don’t understand how the fee structure works? The variable consumption fee is for water/sewer use. I.e. the treated drinking water/sewage.

The infrastructure fee is to cover the maintenance of the collection system (sewers) and distribution system (water mains). It’s not a variable fee because the costs are based on assets which don’t generally change month to month.

It’s honestly a more transparent way to do billing. It decouples the cost of treating water from the cost of maintenance (O vs M).


luchobucho t1_itv4a6m wrote

I suspect the historically low water rates were just underfunding repairs both at the treatment plants and collection (sewers) and distribution( water mains). If you look at how much water main has been replaced per year over the last 50 years it’s been abysmal. And now we are paying for it.

Infrastructure costs money to maintain. It’s not sexy. And since politicians control these things they don’t want to look unpopular spending money to take care of stuff.


luchobucho t1_itbvcww wrote

I compare atlas group to what Stephen Starr was doing in philly 20-ish years ago. Opening heavily “themed”restaurants with acceptable, sometimes interesting food - but really focusing on the experience. The Starr group has a ton of properties. They definitely catalyzed the restaurant scene in philly when it wasn’t great. Tons of chefs who have come through the Starr “system” have gone on to open their own places and philly in the long run is better for it.

I would say similar things about the Garcés group as well.