
luckyhedron t1_ixxtpyr wrote

It is consumption altogether that is the problem. The writing on the wall that everyone refuses to see, the truth that always gets you labeled a doomsday cultist and a cynic, is that we are FUCKED. Your purchases at the grocery store do nothing to stop these things from being minted and then thrown in the dirt whether its bought up or not. This planet will cease to support life within your children or grandchildren's lifespans, and it will not recover until basically the face of the earth is remade through geological processes. And you can thank your grandparents for setting this all in motion. More people, does not mean more good in the world. The best thing any of us could do at this point is just die at a scale that is completely incomprehensible to any of us, and absolutely nobody is gonna vote 'yes' on that on a referendum, it's just human nature to not wanna die.