
lydia_videll t1_j7zvqnl wrote

I noticed that from the National/repub one as well. The employees always look so defeated and as much as I want to support them, it makes me wonder if this location is not getting the best treatment from higher ups.

Ever since Hy-vee opened up on sunset, I’ve been going out of my way to shop there and try to avoid price cutter when I can because I’ve had that same issue with past “Best By” and experience diary products.


lydia_videll t1_j2uqbg2 wrote

Something that bugged me, was when I was looking through all the service providers through Aetna, a lot of the psych doctors I found were connected through EUSTASIS as well. I called and complained about that as I was calling and trying to get ahold of them. I figured Aetna could help (they didn’t.)