madmart07 t1_iw6jv1b wrote
Very important detail, who was playing who in the match?
I wouldn't have noticed if my team was playing lol
madmart07 t1_ivx8csx wrote
Send those nudes to all your friends and tell the scammer BAZINGA!
madmart07 t1_ivx8b4t wrote
It's cliched but you don't know if they will ask for more once you give them money.
madmart07 t1_iuikpd6 wrote
Have you partially evolved from below the neck?
madmart07 t1_iuikkza wrote
This looks so good! Not a fan of balsamic but still!
madmart07 t1_iuigg7x wrote
Ma life be like...
madmart07 t1_iugluhl wrote
Reply to A flight of dragonflies by supernb86
Get an umbrella my friend, it's gonna pour
madmart07 t1_iw6mvlj wrote
Reply to comment by allyouneedare6cats in TIFU by walking out of the bathroom naked in front of my 62 year old uncle by [deleted]
Yep t20 wc has been huge. Pretty sure he missed the boobs. Heard some commotion and shut your door so that he can focus back on the match.
You are safe😁